Parameterized Derived Types (PDTs)

Derived types can be parameterized with type parameters. A type parameter is either a kind type parameter or a length type parameter. Both kind and length type parameters are of integer type.

This document aims to give insights at the representation of PDTs in FIR and how PDTs related constructs and features are lowered to FIR.

Fortran standard

Here is a list of the sections and constraints of the Fortran standard involved for parameterized derived types.

  • 7.2 Type parameters

    • C701

    • C702

  • 9.4.5: Type parameter inquiry

  • 9.7.1: ALLOCATE statement

  • 9.7.2: NULLIFY

  • 9.7.3: DEALLOCATE

The constraints are implemented and tested in flang.

The two types of PDTs

PDT with kind type parameter

PDTs with kind type parameter are already implemented in flang. Since the kind type parameter shall be a constant expression, it can be determined at compile-time and is folded in the type itself. Kind type parameters also play a role in determining a specific type instance according to the Fortran standard.


type t(k)
  integer, kind :: k
end type

type(t(1)) :: tk1
type(t(2)) :: tk2

In the example above, tk1 and tk2 have distinct types.

Lowering makes the distinction between the two types by giving them different names and More information about the unique names can be found here: flang/docs/

PDT with length type parameter

Two PDTs with the same derived type and the same kind type parameters but different length type parameters are not distinct types. Unlike the kind type parameter, the length type parameters do not play a role in determining a specific type instance. PDTs with length type parameter can be seen as dependent types[1].

In the example below, tk1 and tk2 have the same type but may have different layout in memory. They have different value for the length type parameter l. tk1 and tk2 are not convertible unlike CHARACTER types. Assigning tk2 to tk1 is not a valid program.


type t(k,l)
  integer, kind :: k
  integer, len :: l
end type

type(t(1, i+1)) :: tk1
type(t(1, i+2)) :: tk2

! This is invalid
tk2 = tk1

Components with length type parameters cannot be folded into the type at compile-time like the one with kind type parameters since their size is not known. There are multiple ways to implement length type parameters and here are two possibilities.

  1. Directly encapsulate the components in the derived type. This will be referred as the “inlined” solution in the rest of the document. The size of the descriptor will not be fixed and be computed at runtime. Size, offset need to be computed at runtime as well.

  2. Use a level of indirection for the components outside of the descriptor. This will be referred as the “outlined” solution in the rest of the document. The descriptor size will then remain the same.

These solutions have pros and cons and more details are given in the next few sections.

Implementing PDT with inlined components

In case of len_type1, the size, offset, etc. of fld1 and fld2 depend on the runtime values of i and j when the components are inlined into the derived type. At runtime, this information needs to be computed to be retrieved. While lowering the PDT, compiler generated functions can be created in order to compute this information.

Note: The type description tables generated by semantics and used throughout the runtime have component offsets as constants. Inlining component would require this representation to be extended.


! PDT with one level of inlined components.
type len_type1(i, j)
  integer, len :: i, j
  character(i+j) :: fld1
  character(j-i+2) :: fld2
end type
Implementing PDT with outlined components

A level of indirection can be used and fld1 and fld2 are then outlined as shown in len_type2. compiler_allocatable is here only to show which components have an indirection.


! PDT with one level of indirection.
type len_type2(i, j)
  integer, len :: i, j
  ! The two following components are not directly stored in the type but
  ! allocatable components managed by the compiler. The
  ! `compiler_managed_allocatable` is not a proper keyword but just added here
  ! to have a better understanding.
  character(i+j), compiler_managed_allocatable :: fld1
  character(j-i+2), compiler_managed_allocatable :: fld2
end type

This solution has performance drawback because of the added indirections. It also has to deal with compiler managed allocation/deallocation of the components pointed by the indirections.

These indirections are more problematic when we deal with array slice of derived types as it could require temporaries depending how the memory is allocated.

The outlined solution is also problematic for unformatted I/O as the indirections need to be followed correctly when reading or writing records.

Example of nested PDTs

PDTs can be nested. Here are some example used later in the document.


! PDT with second level of inlined components.
type len_type3(i, j)
  integer, len :: i, j
  character(2*j) :: name
  type(len_type1(i*2, j+4)) :: field
end type

! PDT with second level of indirection
type len_type4(i, j)
  integer, len :: i, j
  character(2*j), compiler_allocatable :: name
  type(len_type2(i-1, 2**j)), compiler_allocatable :: field
end type
Example with array slice

Let’s take an example with an array slice to see the advantages and disadvantages of the two solutions.

For all derived types that do not have LEN type parameter (only have compile-time constants) a standard descriptor can be set with the correct offset and strides such that array%field%fld2 can be encoded in the descriptor, is not contiguous, and does not require a copy. This is what is implemented in flang.


! Declare arrays of PDTs
type(len_type3(exp1,exp2)) :: pdt_inlined_array(exp3)
type(len_type4(exp1,exp2)) :: pdt_outlined_array(exp3)

! Passing/accessing a slice of PDTs array

For a derived type with length type parameters inlined the expression pdt_inlined_array%field%fld2 can be encoded in the standard descriptor because the components of pdt_inlined_array are inlined such that the array is laid out with all its subcomponents in a contiguous range of memory.

For the pdt_outlined_array array, the implementation has to insert several level of indirections and therefore cannot be encoded in the standard descriptor. The different indirections levels break the property of the large contiguous block in memory if the allocation is done for each components. This would make the pdt_outlined_array a ragged array. The memory can also be allocated for components with length type parameters while allocating the base object (in this case the pdt_outlined_array).

For each non-allocatable/non-pointer leaf automatic component of a PDT base entity (pdt_outlined_array here) or a base entity containing PDTs, the initialization will allocate a single block in memory for all the leaf components reachable in the base entity (pdt_outlined_array(i)%field%fld1). The size of this block will be N * sizeof(leaf-component) where N is the multiplication of the size of each part-ref from the base entity to the leaf component. The descriptor for each leaf component can then point to the correct location in the block block[i*sizeof(leaf-component)].

Outlining the components has the advantage that the size of the PDTs are compile-time constant as each field is encoded as a descriptor pointing to the data. It has a disadvantage to require non-standard descriptors and comes with additional runtime cost.

With components inlining, the size of the PDTs are not compile-time constant. This solution has the advantage to not add a performance drawback with additional indirections but requires to compute the size of the descriptor at runtime. The size of the PDTs need to be computed at runtime. This is already the case for dynamic allocation sizes since it is possible for arrays to have dynamic shapes, etc.

Support of PDTs in other compilers

  1. Nested PDTs

  2. Array of PDTs

  3. Allocatable array of PDTs

  4. Pointer to array section

  5. Formatted I/O

  6. Unformatted I/O

  7. User-defined I/O

  8. FINAL subroutine

  9. ELEMENTAL FINAL subroutine





























































Legends of results in the table

ok = compile + run + good result
wrong = compile + run + wrong result
crash = compiler crash or runtime crash
no = doesn't compile with no crash
Field inlining in lowering

A PDT with length type parameters has a list of 1 or more type parameters that are runtime values. These length type parameter values can be present in specification of other type parameters, array bounds expressions, etc. All these expressions are integer specifications expressions and can be evaluated at any given point with the length type parameters value of the PDT instance. This is possible because constraints C750 and C754 from Fortran 2018 standard that restrict what can appear in the specification expression.

note: C750 and C754 are partially enforced in the semantic at the moment.

These expressions can be lowered into small simple functions. For example, the offset of fld1 in len_type1 could be 0; its size would be computed as sizeof(char) * (i+j). size can be lowered into a compiler generated function.


// Example of compiler generated functions to compute offsets, size, etc.
// This is just an example and actual implementation might have more functions.

// name field offset.
func.func -> index {
  %0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  return %0 : index

// size for `name`: sizeof(char) * (2 * i) + padding
func.func index, %j: index) -> index {
  %0 = arith.constant 2 : index
  %1 = arith.constant 8 : index
  %2 = arith.muli %0, %i : index
  %3 = arith.muli %1, %2 : index
  // padding not added here
  return %3 : index

// `fld` field offset.
func.func @_len_type3.offset.field(%i: index, %j: index) -> index {
  %0 = call : () -> index
  %1 = call, %j) : (index, index) -> index
  %2 = arith.addi %0, %1 : index
  return %2 : index

// 1st type parameter used for field `fld`: i*2
func.func @_len_type3.field.typeparam.1(%i : index, %j : index) -> index {
  %0 = arith.constant 2 : index
  %1 = arith.muli %0, %i : index
  return %1 : index

// 2nd type parameter used for field `fld`: j+4
func.func @_len_type3.field.typeparam.2(%i : index, %j : index) -> index {
  %0 = arith.constant 4 : index
  %1 = arith.addi %j, %0 : index
  return %1 : index

// `fld1` offset in `len_type1`.
func.func @_len_type1.offset.fld1() -> index {
  %0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  return %0 : index

// size for `fld1`.
func.func @_len_type1.memsize.fld1(%i : index, %j : index) -> index {
  %0 = arith.constant 8 : index
  %1 = arith.addi %i, %j : index
  %2 = arith.muli %0, %1 : index
  return %2 : index

// `fld2` offset in `len_type1`.
func.func @_len_type1.offset.fld2(%i : index, %j : index) -> index {
  %0 = call @_len_type1.offset.fld1() : () -> index
  %1 = call @_len_type1.memsize.fld1(%i, %j) : (index, index) -> index
  %2 = arith.addi %0, %1 : index
  return %2 : index

Access a field


Example of offset computation in the PDTs.

%0 = call @_len_type3.field.typeparam.1(%i, %j) : (index, index) -> index
%1 = call @_len_type3.field.typeparam.2(%i, %j) : (index, index) -> index
%2 = call @_len_type3.offset.fld(%i, %j) : (index, index) -> index
%3 = call @_len_type1.offset.fld2(%0, %1) : (index, index) -> index
%offset_of_1st_element = arith.addi %2, %3 : index
// Use the value computed offset_of_1st_element

In the case where the length type parameters values (i,j) are compile-time constants then function inlining and constant folding will transform these dependent types into statically defined types with no runtime cost.


type t(l)
  integer, len :: l
  integer :: i(l)
end type

type(t(n)), target :: a(10)
integer, pointer :: p(:)
p => a(:)%i(5)

When making a new descriptor like for pointer association, the field_index operation can take the length type parameters needed for size/offset computation.


%5 = fir.field_index i, !fir.type<_QMmod1Tt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>(%n : i32)

Length type parameter with expression

The component of a PDT can be defined with expressions including the length type parameters.


type t1(n, m)
  integer, len :: n = 2
  integer, len :: m = 4
  real :: data(n*m)
end type

The idea would be to replace the expression with an extra length type parameter with a compiler generated name and a default value of n*m. All instance of the expression would then reference the new name.


type t1(n, m)
  integer, len :: n = 2
  integer, len :: m = 4
  integer, len :: t1_n_m_ = 8 ! hidden extra length type parameter
  real :: data(t1_n_m_)
end type

At any place where the a PDT is initialized, the lowering would make the evaluation and their values saved in the addendum and pointed to by the descriptor.


The allocation and deallocation of PDTs are delegated to the runtime.

The corresponding function can be found in flang/include/flang/Runtime/allocatable.h and flang/include/flang/Runtime/pointer.h for pointer allocation.


The ALLOCATE statement is lowered to a sequence of function calls as shown in the example below.


type t1(i)
  integer, len :: i = 4
  character(i) :: c
end type

type(t1), allocatable :: t
type(t1), pointer :: p



// For allocatable @_FortranAAllocatableInitDerived(%desc, %type) : (!<none>, ) -> ()
// The AllocatableSetDerivedLength functions is called for each length type parameters. @_FortranAAllocatableSetDerivedLength(%desc, %pos, %value) : (!<none>, i32, i64) -> () @_FortranAAllocatableAllocate(%3) : (!<none>) -> ()

// For pointer @_FortranAPointerNullifyDerived(%desc, %type) : (!<none>, ) -> ()
// The PointerSetDerivedLength functions is called for each length type parameters. @_FortranAPointerSetDerivedLength(%desc, %pos, %value) : (!<none>, i32, i64) -> () @_FortranAPointerAllocate(%3) : (!<none>) -> ()


The DEALLOCATE statement is lowered to a runtime call to AllocatableDeallocate and PointerDeallocate for pointers.




// For allocatable
%8 = @_FortranAAllocatableDeallocate(%desc1) : (!<none>) -> (i32)

// For pointer
%8 = @_FortranAPointerDeallocate(%desc1) : (!<none>) -> (i32)


The NULLIFY statement is lowered to a call to the corresponding runtime function PointerNullifyDerived in flang/include/flang/Runtime/pointer.h.



FIR @_FortranAPointerNullifyDerived(%desc, %type) : (!<none>, !fir.tdesc) -> ()

Formatted I/O

The I/O runtime internals are described in this file: flang/docs/

When an I/O statement with a derived-type is encountered in lowering, the derived-type is emboxed in a descriptor if it is not already and a call to the runtime library is issued with the descriptor (as shown in the example below). The function is _FortranAioOutputDescriptor. The call make a call to FormattedDerivedTypeIO in flang/runtime/descriptor-io.h for derived-type. This function will need to be updated to support the chosen solution for PDTs.


type t
  integer, len :: l
  integer :: i(l) = 42
end type

! ...

subroutine print_pdt
  type(t(10)) :: x
  print*, x
end subroutine


func.func @_QMpdtPprint_pdt() {
  %l = arith.constant = 10
  %0 = fir.alloca !fir.type<_QMpdtTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}> (%l : i32) {bindc_name = "x", uniq_name = "_QMpdt_initFlocalEx"}
  %1 = fir.embox %0 : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QMpdtTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) (typeparams %l : i32) -> !<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<2xi32>}>>
  %2 = fir.address_of(@_QQcl.2E2F6669725F7064745F6578616D706C652E66393000) : !fir.ref<!fir.char<1,22>>
  %c8_i32 = arith.constant 8 : i32
  %3 = fir.convert %1 : (!<!fir.type<_QMpdtTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) -> !<none>
  %4 = fir.convert %2 : (!fir.ref<!fir.char<1,22>>) -> !fir.ref<i8> @_FortranAInitialize(%3, %4, %c8_i32) : (!<none>, !fir.ref<i8>, i32) -> ()
  %c-1_i32 = arith.constant -1 : i32
  %6 = fir.address_of(@_QQcl.2E2F6669725F7064745F6578616D706C652E66393000) : !fir.ref<!fir.char<1,22>>
  %7 = fir.convert %6 : (!fir.ref<!fir.char<1,22>>) -> !fir.ref<i8>
  %c10_i32 = arith.constant 10 : i32
  %8 = @_FortranAioBeginExternalListOutput(%c-1_i32, %7, %c10_i32) : (i32, !fir.ref<i8>, i32) -> !fir.ref<i8>
  %9 = fir.embox %0 : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) (typeparams %l : i32) -> !<!fir.type<_QMpdtTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>
  %10 = fir.convert %9 : (!<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) -> !<none>
  %11 = @_FortranAioOutputDescriptor(%8, %10) : (!fir.ref<i8>, !<none>) -> i1
  %12 = @_FortranAioEndIoStatement(%8) : (!fir.ref<i8>) -> i32

Unformatted I/O

The entry point in the runtime for unformatted I/O is similar than the one for formatted I/O. A call to _FortranAioOutputDescriptor with the correct descriptor is also issued by the lowering. For unformatted I/O, the runtime is calling UnformattedDescriptorIO from flang/runtime/descriptor-io.h. This function will need to be updated to support the chosen solution for PDTs.

Default component initialization of local variables

Default initializers for components with length type parameters need to be processed as the derived type instance is created. The length parameters block must also be created and attached to the addendum. See New f18addendum section for more information.


As mentioned in (8), for an assignment, each length type parameter of the variable shall have the same value as the corresponding type parameter unless the lhs is allocatable.


type t(l)
  integer, len :: l
  integer :: i(l)
end type

! ...

type(t(10)) :: a, b
type(t(20)) :: c
type(t(:)), allocatable :: d
a = b ! Legal assignment
c = b ! Illegal assignment because `c` does not have the same length type
      ! parameter value than `b`.
d = c ! Legal because `d` is allocatable

A simple intrinsic assignment without allocatable or pointer follows the same path than the traditional derived-type (addressing of component is different) since the length type parameter values are identical and do not need to be copied or reallocated. The length type parameters values are retrieved when copying the data.

Assignment of PDTs with allocatable or pointer components are done with the help of the runtime. A call to _FortranAAssign is done with the lhs and rhs descriptors. The length type parameters are available in the descriptors.

For allocatable PDTs, if the rhs side has different length type parameters than the lhs, it is deallocated first and allocated with the rhs length type parameters information (F’2018 There is code in the runtime to handle this already. It will need to be updated for the new f18addendum.


A final subroutine is called for a PDT if the subroutine has the same kind type parameters and rank as the entity to be finalized. The final subroutine is called with the entity as the actual argument. If there is an elemental final subroutine whose dummy argument has the same kind type parameters as the entity to be finalized, or a final subroutine whose dummy argument is assumed-rank with the same kind type parameters as the entity to be finalized, the subroutine is called with the entity as the actual argument. Otherwise, no subroutine is called.

Example from the F2018 standard

module m

  type t(k)
    integer, kind :: k
    real(k), pointer :: vector(:) => NULL()
    final :: finalize_t1s, finalize_t1v, finalize_t2e
  end type


  subroutine finalize_t1s(x)
    type(t(kind(0.0))) x
    if (associated(x%vector)) deallocate(x%vector)
  END subroutine

  subroutine finalize_t1v(x)
    type(t(kind(0.0))) x(:)
    do i = lbound(x,1), ubound(x,1)
      if (associated(x(i)%vector)) deallocate(x(i)%vector)
    end do
  end subroutine

  elemental subroutine finalize_t2e(x)
    type(t(kind(0.0d0))), intent(inout) :: x
    if (associated(x%vector)) deallocate(x%vector)
  end subroutine
end module

subroutine example(n)
use m

type(t(kind(0.0))) a, b(10), c(n,2)
type(t(kind(0.0d0))) d(n,n)
! Returning from this subroutine will effectively do
!    call finalize_t1s(a)
!    call finalize_t1v(b)
!    call finalize_t2e(d)
! No final subroutine will be called for variable C because the user
! omitted to define a suitable specific procedure for it.
end subroutine

Type parameter inquiry

Type parameter inquiry is used to get the value of a type parameter in a PDT.


module t
type t1(i, j)
  integer, len :: i = 4
  integer, len :: j = 2
  character(i*j) :: c
end type

program main
use t
type(t1(2, 2)) :: ti
print*, ti%c%len
print*, ti%i
print*, ti%j

! Should print:
! 4
! 2
! 2

These values are present in the f18Addendum and can be retrieved from it with the correct index. If the length type parameter for a field is an expression, a compiler generated function is used to computed its value. The length type parameters are indexed in declaration order; i.e., 0 is the first length type parameter in the deepest base type.

PDTs and polymorphism

In some cases with polymorphic entities, it is necessary to copy the length type parameters from a descriptor to another. With the current design this is not possible since the descriptor cannot be reallocated and the addendum is allocated with a fixed number of length type parameters.


! The example below illustrates a case where the number of length type
! parameters are different and need to be copied to an existing descriptor
! addendum.
module m1
type t1
  integer :: i
end type

! This type could be defined in another compilation unit.
type, extends(t1) :: t2(l1, l2)
  integer, len :: l1, l2
end type


subroutine reallocate(x)
  class(t1), allocatable :: x
  allocate(t2(l1=1, l2=2):: x)
end subroutine

end module

program p
  use m1

  class(t1), allocatable :: x

  call reallocate(x)
  ! The new length type parameters need to be propagated at this point.

  ! rest of code using `x`
end program

The proposed solution is to add indirection in the f18Addendum and store the length type parameters in a separate block instead of directly in the addendum. At the moment the storage for the length type parameters is allocated once as a std::int64_t array.

New f18Addendum

{*derivedType_, *lenParamValues_}

Adding the indirection in the descriptor’s addendum requires to manage the lifetime of the block holding the length type parameter values.

Here are some thoughts of how to manage it:

  • For allocatables, the space for the LEN parameters can be allocated as part of the same malloc as the payload data.

  • For automatics, same thing, if we implement automatics as allocatables.

  • For monomorphic local variables, the LEN parameters would be in a little array on the stack. Or we could treat any variable or component with LEN parameters as being automatic even when it’s monomorphic.

  • For pointers and dummy arguments, we can just copy the pointer in the addendum from the target to the pointer or dummy descriptor.

  • For dynamically allocated descriptors, the LEN parameter values could just follow the addendum in the same malloc.

The addendum of an array sections/sub-objects would point to the same block than the base object.

In some special cases, a descriptor needs to be passed between the caller and the callee. This includes array of PDTs and derived-type with PDT components. The example describe one of the corner case where the length type parameter would be lost if the descriptor is not passed.

Example that require a descriptor

Because of the length type parameters store in the addendum, it is required in some case to pass the PDT with a descriptor to preserve the length type parameters information. The example below illustrates such a case.


module m
type t
 integer :: i
end type

type, extends(t) :: t2(l)
  integer, len :: l
  real :: x(l)
end type

type base
  type(t2(20)) :: pdt_component
end type

class(t), pointer :: p(:)


subroutine foo(x, n)
  integer :: n
  type(base), target :: x(n)
  ! Without descriptor, the actual argument is a zero-sized array. The length
  ! type parameters of `x(n)%pdt_component` are not propagated from the caller.

  ! A descriptor local to this function is created to pass the array section
  ! in bar. 
  call bar(x%pdt_component)
end subroutine

subroutine bar(x)
  type(t2(*)), target :: x(:)
  p => x
end subroutine

subroutine test()
  type(base), target :: x(100)
  call foo(x(1:-1:1), 0)
  select type (p)
   type is (t2(*))
    ! This type parameters of x(1:60:3) in foo must still live here
    print *, p%l
   class default
     print *, "something else"
  end select
end subroutine
end module

  use m
  call test()

Because of the use case described above, PDTs, array of PDTs or derived-type with PDT components will be passed by descriptor.

FIR operations with length type parameters

Couple of operations have length type parameters as operands already in their design. For some operations, length type parameters are likely needed with the two proposed solution. Some other operation like the array operations, the operands are not needed when dealing with a descriptor since the length type parameters are in it.

The operations will be updated if needed during the implementation of the chosen solution.


This primitive operation is used to allocate an object on the stack. When allocating a PDT, the length type parameters are passed to the operation so its size can be computed accordingly.


%i = arith.constant 10 : i32
%0 = fir.alloca !fir.type<_QMmod1Tpdt{i:i32,data:!fir.array<?xf32>}> (%i : i32)
// %i is the ssa value of the length type parameter


This operation is used to create a heap memory reference suitable for storing a value of the given type. When creating a PDT, the length type parameters are passed so the size can be computed accordingly.


%i = arith.constant 10 : i32
%0 = fir.alloca !fir.type<_QMmod1Tpdt{i:i32,data:!fir.array<?xf32>}> (%i : i32)
// ...
fir.freemem %0 : !fir.type<_QMmod1Tpdt{i:i32,data:!fir.array<?xf32>}>


The fir.embox operation create a boxed reference value. In the case of PDTs the length type parameters can be passed as well to the operation.


subroutine local()
  type(t(2)) :: x ! simple local PDT
  ! ...
end subroutine


func.func @_QMpdt_initPlocal() {
  %c2_i32 = arith.constant 2 : i32
  %0 = fir.alloca !fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}> (%c2 : i32)
       {bindc_name = "x", uniq_name = "_QMpdt_initFlocalEx"}
  // The fir.embox operation is responsible to place the provided length type
  // parameters in the descriptor addendum so they are available to the runtime
  // call later.
  %1 = fir.embox %0 : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) (typeparams %c2 : i32)
       -> !<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>
  %2 = fir.address_of(@_QQcl.2E2F6669725F7064745F6578616D706C652E66393000) : !fir.ref<!fir.char<1,22>>
  %c8_i32 = arith.constant 8 : i32
  %3 = fir.convert %1 : (!<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) -> !<none>
  %4 = fir.convert %2 : (!fir.ref<!fir.char<1,22>>) -> !fir.ref<i8> @_FortranAInitialize(%3, %4, %c8_i32) : (!<none>, !fir.ref<i8>, i32) -> ()


The fir.field_index operation is used to generate a field offset value from a field identifier in a derived-type. The operation takes length type parameter values with a PDT so it can compute a correct offset.


%l = arith.constant 10 : i32
%1 = fir.field_index i, !fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:i32}> (%l : i32)
%2 = fir.coordinate_of %ref, %1 : (!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:i32}>, !fir.field) -> !fir.ref<i32>
%3 = fir.load %2 : !fir.ref<i32>
return %3


This operation is used to get the length type parameter offset in from a PDT.


func.func @_QPpdt_len_value(%arg0: !<!fir.type<t1{l:i32,!fir.array<?xi32>}>>) -> i32 {
  %0 = fir.len_param_index l, !<!fir.type<t1{l:i32,!fir.array<?xi32>}>>
  %1 = fir.coordinate_of %arg0, %0 : (!<!fir.type<t1{l:i32,!fir.array<?xi32>}>>, !fir.len) -> !fir.ref<i32>
  %2 = fir.load %1 : !fir.ref<i32>
  return %2 : i32


Save the result of a function returning an array, box, or record type value into a memory location given the shape and LEN parameters of the result. Length type parameters is passed if the PDT is not boxed.


func.func @return_pdt(%buffer: !fir.ref<!fir.type<t2(l1:i32,l2:i32){x:f32}>>) {
  %l1 = arith.constant 3 : i32
  %l2 = arith.constant 5 : i32
  %res = @foo() : () -> !fir.type<t2(l1:i32,l2:i32){x:f32}>
  fir.save_result %res to %buffer typeparams %l1, %l2 : !fir.type<t2(l1:i32,l2:i32){x:f32}>, !fir.ref<!fir.type<t2(l1:i32,l2:i32){x:f32}>>, i32, i32
fir.array_* operations

The current design of the different fir.array_* operations include length type parameters operands. This is designed to use PDT without descriptor directly in FIR.


// Operation used with a boxed PDT does not need the length type parameters as
// they are directly retrieved from the box.
%0 = fir.array_coor %boxed_pdt, %i, %j  (<fir.array<?x?xfir.type<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>>>, index, index) -> !fir.ref<fir.type<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>>

// In case the PDT would not be boxed, the length type parameters are needed to
// compute the correct addressing.
%0 = fir.array_coor %pdt_base, %i, %j typeparams %l  (fir.ref<fir.array<?x?xfir.type<!fir.type<_QMpdt_initTt{l:i32,i:!fir.array<?xi32>}>>>>, index, index, index) -> !fir.ref<fir.type<PDT>>

Implementation choice

While both solutions have pros and cons, we want to implement the outlined solution.

  • The runtime was implemented with this solution in mind.

  • The size of the descriptor does not need to be computed at runtime.


  • Lowering part is tested with LIT tests in tree

  • PDTs involved a lot of runtime information so executable tests will be useful for full testing.

Current TODOs

Current list of TODOs in lowering:

  • flang/lib/Lower/Allocatable.cpp:461 not yet implement: derived type length parameters in allocate

  • flang/lib/Lower/Allocatable.cpp:645 not yet implement: deferred length type parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp:454 not yet implemented: get length parameters from derived type BoxValue

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:341 not yet implemented: copy derived type with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:993 not yet implemented: component with length parameters in structure constructor

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:1063 not yet implemented: component with length parameters in structure constructor

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:1146 not yet implemented: type parameter inquiry

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:2424 not yet implemented: creating temporary for derived type with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:3742 not yet implemented: gather rhs LEN parameters in assignment to allocatable

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:4725 not yet implemented: derived type array expression temp with LEN parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:6400 not yet implemented: PDT size

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:6419 not yet implemented: PDT offset

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:6679 not yet implemented: array expr type parameter inquiry

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertExpr.cpp:7135 not yet implemented: need to adjust type parameter(s) to reflect the final component

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertType.cpp:334 not yet implemented: parameterized derived types

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertType.cpp:370 not yet implemented: derived type length parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertVariable.cpp:169 not yet implemented: initial-data-target with derived type length parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/ConvertVariable.cpp:197 not yet implemented: initial-data-target with derived type length parameters

  • flang/lib/Lower/VectorSubscripts.cpp:121 not yet implemented: threading length parameters in field index op

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/BoxValue.cpp:60 not yet implemented: box value is missing type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/BoxValue.cpp:67 not yet implemented: mutable box value is missing type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:688 not yet implemented: read with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:746 not yet implemented: generate code to get LEN type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:779 not yet implemented: derived type with type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:905 not yet implemented: allocatable and pointer components non deferred length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:917 not yet implemented: array component shape depending on length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:924 not yet implemented: get character component length from length type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:934 not yet implemented: lower component ref that is a derived type with length parameter

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.cpp:956 not yet implemented: get length parameters from derived type BoxValue

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/MutableBox.cpp:70 not yet implemented: updating mutablebox of derived type with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/MutableBox.cpp:168 not yet implemented: read allocatable or pointer derived type LEN parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/MutableBox.cpp:310 not yet implemented: update allocatable derived type length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/MutableBox.cpp:505 not yet implemented: pointer assignment to derived with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/MutableBox.cpp:597 not yet implemented: pointer assignment to derived with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Builder/MutableBox.cpp:740 not yet implemented: reallocation of derived type entities with length parameters

Current list of TODOs in code generation:

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp:1034 not yet implemented: fir.allocmem codegen of derived type with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp:1581 not yet implemented: generate call to calculate size of PDT

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp:1708 not yet implemented: fir.embox codegen of derived with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp:1749 not yet implemented: reboxing descriptor of derived type with length parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp:2229 not yet implemented: derived type with type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp:2256 not yet implemented: compute size of derived type with type parameters

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/TypeConverter.h:257 not yet implemented: extended descriptor derived with length parameters

Current list of TODOs in optimizations:

  • flang/lib/Optimizer/Transforms/ArrayValueCopy.cpp:1007 not yet implemented: unhandled dynamic type parameters


  • [0] Fortran standard

  • [1]